
Praised for her "passionate playing" and "precise execution" (The Strad), violinist-composer Anne Sophie Andersen is an unusually diverse artist exploring music from a variety of angles. Ms. Andersen is the founder and Artistic Director of New Music for Strings Denmark. She holds a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in violin and a Master of Arts degree in composition from Stony Brook University and a Graduate Diploma from New England Conservatory. Anne Sophie Andersen is a recipient of the Samuel Baron Prize, awarded biennially by Stony Brook University in recognition of an exceptional young musician, and a recipient of the Danish Arts Foundation’s work stipends.
Ivory Tower Boiler Room (2023)
Violinist-composer, Dr. Anne Sophie Andersen, enters the ITBR to discuss her take on being an entrepreneur of the New Music for Strings classical music festival and the pros and cons of following your creative career path.
DR P2 Foyeren (2023)
On synesthesia. Aired 31.8.2023
Basunen (2021)
Feature article on telematics/virtual performance during Covid, New Music for Strings, and my research as a UC Irvine Visting Scholar (Danish language)
“Fremtidens koncertformater bliver i høj grad hybridoplevelser, altså en kombination af fysiske og online optrædener og interaktion”.
By Lars Knudsen
Magasinet klassisk (2016)
Feature on synesthesia in music (Danish language):
»Ikke-musikere opfatter mest musikken som en slags ophobning af klang, men ved at vise dem hvad jeg oplever, håber jeg at kunne give dem nogle anderledes musikoplevelser«
By Malene Wichmann
The Strad Magazine (2017)
“Passionate playing... precisely executed... pristine National Sawdust acoustic... excellent... effervescent.”
Bruce Hodges, on New Music for Strings at National Sawdust
Apple Blossoms (2015)
(featured soloist in “Concerto no. 1 for Violin and Orchestra)